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In the Media Fintech run by ex-Citi operatives widens customer net
May 26, 2020
Fintech run by ex-Citi operatives widens customer net

New fintech on-the-block Stropro has started to officially open up its investment platform to wealth managers and high-net-worth investors around the country, after completing beta testing for its technology.

In the Media Open banking and rise of fintechs to disrupt big banks' 'rivers of gold'
May 26, 2020
Open banking and rise of fintechs to disrupt big banks' 'rivers of gold'

Clancy Yeates speaks to Seed Space founder Dirk Steller on open banking, why it won’t spark an exodus from the traditional financial services incumbents and what it means for younger clients who are open to buying services digitally

In the Media Founders respond to the Senate’s fintech and regtech issues paper
May 26, 2020
Founders respond to the Senate’s fintech and regtech issues paper

The Australian Senate’s Select Committee on Financial Technology and Regulatory Technology released an issues paper this week ahead of its inquiry into the sector. Startup Daily spoke to three tech leaders for their views. Here’s what they said.

In the Media Senate committee launches fintech inquiry
May 26, 2020
Senate committee launches fintech inquiry

Access to capital, regulation and culture is among the issues for Australian fintechs by the sector’s dedicated Senate committee, as the government body has launched its inquiry into the industry

In the Media FinTech committee calls for submissions
May 26, 2020
FinTech committee calls for submissions

The first issues paper on the national inquiry into Australia's fintech and regtech sectors has been released, providing insight into the government's view of the sector as well as how it plans to shape the inquiry.

In the Media FinTech review not a battle
May 26, 2020
FinTech review not a battle

The federal government has kicked off a review of Australia's fintech industry in a bid to improve the nation's competitiveness, as entrepreneurs call for more support and a visa shake-up.

In the Media FinTech funding and potential: Australia vs the world
May 26, 2020
FinTech funding and potential: Australia vs the world

The growing maturity of Australia’s FinTech space is unlocking a realm of possibilities for the next generation of small businesses coming through seeking to gain a strong capital foothold as they transition towards their next phase of growth.

In the Media Artificial intelligence and super
May 26, 2020
Artificial intelligence and super

Incumbent financial institutions, traditionally constrained by a historical reliance on legacy systems and infrastructure, are now able to focus more on the scale and sophistication of their data, opening up new possibilities for how they interact with the fund members of tomorrow through the advent of AI.

In the Media Technology coming for advice jobs
May 26, 2020
Technology coming for advice jobs

Journalist Elizabeth McArthur speaks to Seed Space’s managing partner Dirk Steller after the release of a Rice Warner report arguing technology will fundamentally alter how people expect to receive and pay for retirement advice.

In the Media Let’s Talk: Ecommerce
May 26, 2020
Let’s Talk: Ecommerce

In this feature article for Dynamic Business, editor Loren Webb speaks to industry leaders on whether modern start-ups and innovative businesses today can still survive without an online offering.

In the Media Let’s Talk Competition
May 26, 2020
Let’s Talk Competition

In this feature article for Dynamic Business, editor Loren Webb speaks to industry experts on the best strategies to ensure your business thrives and stands out from the competition to ensure customer loyalty.

In the Media UK blueprint for open banking
May 26, 2020
UK blueprint for open banking

The passage of open banking legislation by the Australian parliament last month is a key turning point for fintech in Australia. Fostering the right regulatory policy settings and cultivating a mood of collaboration between start-ups and regulators has been a key aspect of Australia’s mission to cement its claim as a regional leader in fintech innovation.

In the Media The VC Checklist: What you need to do to get your startup noticed
May 26, 2020
The VC Checklist: What you need to do to get your startup noticed

Securing the right venture capital can completely transform your startup. Getting the right partnership in place can prove to be invaluable – particularly in your early stages of development.

In the Media Why Australian tech startups should consider staying private for longer
May 26, 2020
Why Australian tech startups should consider staying private for longer

As Australia’s fintech industry develops, successful startups will increasingly need to consider how they access capital markets to finance the next phase of growth. Dirk Steller, founder of fintech venture capital fund Seed Space, says listing publicly can still add value, but it’s important to get the timing right.

In the Media Key lessons and insights from WealthTech forum
May 26, 2020
Key lessons and insights from WealthTech forum

This year’s WealthTech Forum in Geneva had a clear message for Australian wealth managers: it’s time for change. The reality is that wealth management and private banking across the world has not yet started focusing on millennials or iGen clients who will completely transform the business model needed.

In the Media Fintech Focus: why Scott Morrison must prioritise fintech reform
May 26, 2020
Fintech Focus: why Scott Morrison must prioritise fintech reform

As Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced his new-look ministry, it served as an immediate recognition of the fact that the voice of fintech in this country was being heard. Seed Space’s managing partner Dirk Steller looks at how Senator Jane Hume’s promotion to the role of assistant minister for superannuation, financial services and financial technology this week was an excellent step forward for fintech in Australia.

In the Media Seed Space founder Dirk Steller brings new insights on how startups can avoid the ‘valley of death’
May 26, 2020
Seed Space founder Dirk Steller brings new insights on how startups can avoid the ‘valley of death’

Venture Capital fund Seed Space is ready to deploy capital to find the next Australian FinTech unicorn. And in doing so, it wants to help local startups safely navigate the dreaded “valley of death”.

In the Media DLD Tel Aviv Tech Conference
Dec 03, 2019
DLD Tel Aviv Tech Conference

In the Media Money 20/20 Europe
Nov 19, 2019
Money 20/20 Europe

In the Media FinTECH Awards 2018
Dec 03, 2018
FinTECH Awards 2018

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