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Meet the Seed Space team: Arthur Lo

Nov 24, 2020
SeedSpace Team

Welcome to Seed Space’s series of profiles introducing the core members of our team. Next up is Arthur Lo, Seed Space Advisor & Investment Committee Member.

How did you come to this point in your career?

I’m an electrical engineer by training. I studied at UNSW, and spent my early years at IBM which cemented my fascination with tech. During the time of Web 1.0 and the dot com bubble I reconnected with an old school acquaintance at one of the big investment banks, who was on the prop trading desk. I didn’t know anything about trading but I knew tech, and I could see how the two were a marriage made in heaven. In 2005 we started our trading business, which we ran until 2008 when the short-selling ban made our main arbitrage-based trading strategies unworkable. While based in Sydney, I continued to trade on the UK, US and Canadian markets for some time, but in the end working the night desk in the country of sunshine and beaches wasn’t the lifestyle I wanted!

I decided to pivot and use our AFSL and business to help other people launch their new funds, which has been a great success. My main motivation and passion is technology, so it was gratifying for me to be able and come full circle back into tech; leveragingmy financial services knowledge to really help people who want to invest in the tech sector.

What is great about working in venture capital in general and fintech VC in particular?

My passion has always been technology, and I’ve done the garage hours needed to learn about starting a new business, so being able to give back to startups make a lot of sense to me.

Also, we are in a very interesting time with FinTech and COVID adds another dimension. From a societal and economic standpoint, it’s a generational change, you don’t get too many of these opportunities in a lifetime. These are very exciting times.

What’s one of your favourite moments from your time at Seed Space?

Last time we had a full team dinner. We have a very diverse team from all over the world, so it was great to finally put faces to names and realise how diverse and experienced this team is. That added a lot of confidence for me in this venture and I can’t wait to see everyone again.

What would you tell someone who asked you for career advice?

If you’re young and you have the will, don’t be afraid to try. Because when you’re older it’s harder to throw yourself into a problem or to do the garage hours!

What keeps you busy when you’re not at work?

In Sydney, I am very involved with the SES (State Emergency Service) which I have been and still is a volunteer rescuer going on 17 years now. Until I can have a philanthropic fund of my own (haha), I believe if you’re going to do something for society, it is best give your own time and skill, because while donations are great, money often runs out before it gets to where it is needed.

While I’m Hong Kong, because I’m still a total nerd I do a lot of creative techy things, design little gadgets and work on old cars in my man-cave.

What’s the best holiday you’ve taken, and what’s your ultimate dream trip?

My best holiday taken was in Japan because it’s like visiting another world without leaving the planet. Everything is different. There’s so much to see and experience and you get a lot of inspiration just because it’s all so different from what you’re used to. In Japan there is great attention to detail, such amazing quality and pride, it’s an integral part of the culture and I love that.

For my dream trip, I would love to visit the rest of Australia. It’s a huge country with so much to offer and living there you just take it for granted. Now spending so much time in Hong Kong I realise how much I want to see Australia again!

What sport or hobby would you love to take up if time and money were no object?

I’m always working on my man-cave in Hong Kong. It’s my bat cave with machines, instruments and tools and when I get stuck into a new project I can be a bit of a hermit. But if time and money were no object, I’d love to move my man-cave back to Sydney and also get a boat and do some fishing.

What was your favourite place to travel on business, back in the good old days when we could?

I like America very much because the people there are friendly, and I love their work ethic. I love New York City, it’s a great melting pot of everything that is America.

What three essential items would you take to a desert island?

A phone would be pretty useless so I’d say a knife, a fire starter, and some paracord. It might be a boring answer but its the boy scout in me! Then again, with the recent Starlink launches may be a phone and some sunscreen would be the best idea afterall!